Saturday, April 19, 2014

Creating a Logo

We are in the beginning stages of starting a new business.

We know how important a Logo and Slogan are so we have spent a good deal of time creating just the right logo to go with our product.  Here is the process our Scandi girl went through.

This is the first face design we had, but then we decided to change the shape of the hair around her head.
 Now onto the eyes.

So many options what should her eyes look like? Her nose was next.

Now the mouth.

We added the ruff around her hair.  It is representative of the traditional Alaskan fur ruff and the idea of the flaming sun and global warming. 

We also played around with adding braids.

We made one last attempt at braids after the face was done but dropped the idea all together at that point.
The last item we added was the straw and snow cone.  These are the flower cups we sale so we tried to draw a proper representation of them.

Don't forget the straw.

We had originally thought we would add a body with a seal skin swim suit on.  We played around with the idea of her sitting on an iceburg or coming out of the water and leaning against an ice burg but in the end we decided a body would take away from our end desires.

On to the words.
Not quite right.  Keep going.

Finally she needed color.  Everyone had ideas and wanted to color one themselves. We put everyone's ideas together to create our final Scandi girl.

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